Thursday, May 13, 2010

April Snows Bring May Frosts

Taylor Park
Well, the snow is gone. But we've had a couple of weeks of cold weather, even some snow and sleet. It's discouraging because I'm itching to get out in the gardens and do some work. One unexpectedly nice side-effect of the cold weather had been an extra-long bloom time on the tulips. It's as though the flowers are reluctant to take off their coats. The spring plants and flowers are doing their best to make the most of the chilly spring. We've got flowers on the blueberry bushes and on the strawberry plants. The bleeding heart is in bloom, and of course the lilacs are out. It's a beautiful time in the gardens and around town where the blooming trees are in full swing. We're eating asparagus from the garden - well, mostly Oliver eats it before we get a chance to. It's time to mulch and think about tilling the vegetable garden. Only a couple of weeks until we can plant. I hope that we've seen the last of the frost. And I'm trying to take a cue from the plants who seem to know that warmer weather can't be far off. I hope they're right.