Thursday, June 16, 2011

Baby Jay

Baby Blue Jay
I'm sharing my coffee with the birds today. It's a gorgeous, early-summer morning and I'm sitting quietly enough that the chickadees and wrens are at the feeder bickering. I pretend not to eavesdrop.  A blue jay woke me up around 4:30 and has continued its noisy caw-ing around the porch and front sidewalk. I just realized why. A baby jay plopped down just outside the porch rail, and momma jay sat nearby for a while, taking a look. She's gone now, but I managed to snap a photo and move away. I think the nest must be in the non-functional gutter on the porch roof. That would explain some things. Poor little bub. I hope he'll be ok.


  1. You're so patient - it'd wanna snap necks for the incessant noise!! Just kidding. So cute. You should have Steph teach you other morning sounds your hearing. What time do you have coffee- I'll come join you sometime. ~~Sue

  2. Usually between 5 and 6 a.m. Come on over!
