I love Black-Eyed Susans. |
We're in the midst of a string of super-hot and muggy days and I'm hoping it encourages our tiny tomato plants to beef up a little. The vegetable garden looks good, but we started with some pretty runty tomatoes and they're not making much headway. It's discouraging to me because fresh tomato sandwiches are one of my favorite garden foods. But, we may have to buy them this year. Another goof we made was to buy pole beans rather than bush beans and, while they look great, we need to figure out a way to let them climb. The bee balm and black-eyed-susans are starting to bloom and so the gardens are beginning to show their colors. The black caps are ripening and Oliver has eaten all of them right off the bush, none have made it to the house. But, the blackberries will provide more than enough for canning! Ah summer, I wish it lasted longer.