We got our first snow recently and I was reminded how lovely snow can be by Oliver's pure joy at the sight. We happened to be visiting Kevin's family at the time, so our first order of business was to take a walk down the center of the Northwoods Road, making first tracks. You can do that on the Northwoods Road, cause there ain't much traffic. It was quiet, the trees were coated and I looked around seeing the snowfall from Oliver's amazed point of view.
Now we've had several snowfalls and have about a foot of fluff in the yard and Oliver pitches a fit whenever he can't get out into it. I look at the yard and think ... we never picked the brussel sprouts ... I really should have prumed those rose bushes ... I wish we had pulled up all the vegetable plants.
But in a way, the snow is like sweeping the toys under the couch. Everything's clean, and neatly blanketed by snow. Magic.