Saturday, February 19, 2011

Warm Spell

Yesterday we hit 52 degrees. It's amazing how warm 52 feels in February. In September, 52 is terribly cold. Right now, it feels tropical. The warm, sunny afternoon melted a ton of snow and the snowbanks have receded enough that we're no longer taking our lives into our hands to pull out of the blind withe alley that is our driveway. I know it can't last, in fact it has already turned cold and windy and we're back to forecasts full of snowstorms. But, it's a sign of things to come and it warms the very cockles of my heart.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Heavy Lifting

We just got a couple of big snowstorms, the last one dumping a load of heavy, wet snow that made our total on the ground somewhere in the neighborhood of two feet. There's nowhere left to put the snow in our front yard. The piles that line the sidewalk are three to four feet high and we've carved out a couple of caves for Oliver. I've watched a pair of cardinals at our feeder, though, and see sunlight earlier and earlier each day. I find that I enjoy winter in February much more than in December just because I know we're on the downhill side of the season.