Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tiptoe Near the Tulips

It's finally happened! The spring bulbs are peeking up. It's been cold and snowy and after last week's three-to-six inch snowstorm I was just about convinced we'd never see spring. But you can't keep Mother Nature down.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Seed Starting

It's time!

This weekend we got out our new seed-starting trays and did a little planting. The first step, of course, was to find the darn things, then find the potting soil and seed-starting mix, and then let both thaw since we'd left them outside.

But, eventually, it all came together.

This year we're using a hot pink kit we bought from Gardener's Supply. The planting cells are hard plastic and sit on a tray with a water reservoir and a capillary action mat. Fancy!

We also set up our first grow light, also from GS, and topped the tray with its clear plastic dome.

O and I started small with one tray of lettuce seeds and amazingly, they germinated in three days! Holy Bountiful Biodome Batman!

Next up: Tomatoes.