January might seem like an odd month to be thinking about gardening, but the thought of all those bulbs sleeping under their cold white blankets and what they'll look like when spring comes helps to get me through these long, dark days.
The first seed catalog came in the mail this month and it seemed like a sign from the gods. So, despite the foot of snow that was recently dumped on us, and despite the fact that the weatherman keeps saying things like "arctic blast," "cyclonic airflow," and "wintry conditions," I know there's hope.
In January I like to think of our gardens as opera singers on winter holiday. They spend all summer on glorious display and take the winter to rest and recuperate. I can't imagine any joy in being frozen and cold, so I prefer to think that they're in some humid climate somewhere, with the sun shining and the bees buzzing.
Wish you were here.
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