Thursday, April 29, 2010

An Unwelcome Houseguest

Poor, poor tulips.
We just got an enormous dump of heavy, wet snow. Getting a snowstorm like this in late April is disgusting. There's no other word for it. I walked by the tulip bed at the edge of the driveway and I felt like apologizing to them like the snowstorm was some unexpected half-relation-houseguest who showed up during a dinner party and put his dirty feet on the table and dropped cigarette ash into the soup.

I woke in the night to sounds of tree limbs cracking and falling, and by morning we had lost and regained our power several times. Overall we got 12-14 inches of snow although it's hard to say just how much because the snow is so heavy with water that it packed itself down as it fell. The damage to the trees has been phenomenal. Many had leafed out significantly and the leaves caught the snow beautifully. But watching it pile up, I had an impending sense of doom that was realized in the morning when the snowbanks were littered with maple branches, flowering crabapple trees and other early green.

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